In this episode I do things a little bit differently. I don't talk about one of my flights; instead I have invited Monika Petrillo into the virtual hanger to chat about her documentary film, Flyabout.
As a relatively new pilot, Monika decided to fly around the continent of Australia with her father, brother and father's wife. Flyabout is the inspirational and beautiful film which chronicles her flight around Australia. It is not a travel log, it is more than that. It is her personal journey as she grows from a young woman into adulthood.
For the pilot or aviation lover, there is a lot of flying in this film. You follow her flights around Australia. You see the beautiful scenery, the wildlife and the people she meets along the way. You see her deal with formation flying, IMC weather, dirt runways and an extreme crosswind landing. You get to see Monika grow as a pilot.
This is a must see movie and has a spot on my shelf right next to 16 Right.
You can purchase the DVD, read about the movie and watch the trailer on her website http://flyaboutmovie.com/.
You can follow Monika on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Flyabout.
Show Notes:
Interview with Monika Petrillo about Flyabout the documentary chronicling her flight around the continent of Australia
- Issues with being the least experienced and the only female pilot
- Why Australia
- Her growth as a pilot and a person
- Her struggles with IMC, crosswind landings, back-country runways and formation flying
- Her flight to Oshkosh as part of Bonanzas to Oshkosh
- Discuss each of our trips of Oshkosh 2010
- What is a walkabout and is there a connection with Flyabout and what Monika learned about herself
- The shifting of generations and her conflicts with her father because she is the more experienced pilot
- Celebrating the centennial of the first woman to get a pilot's license by setting a record for the most woman being introduced to flying in one single day - March 8, 2010
- Her daily prep for each leg of the journey
- How she conquered an extreme cross-wind landing
The 3 Question Segment
1) What do you most like about flying?
2) What do you want to do next?
3) How has flying changed you?
Monika's Shoutouts:
1) Will and Dave of The Pilot's Flight PodLog - http://pilotwill.libsyn.com/
2) Bonanza's to Oshkosh - http://www.b2osh.org/Home_page.htm
3) Lynda Meeks of Girls With Wings - http://girlswithwings.com/
4) The Ninety-Nines - http://www.ninety-nines.org/
Please go to The Centennial of Woman Pilots website http://centennialofwomenpilots.com/ to celebrate the Centennial of Licensed Women Pilots and Women’s Day, women pilots from around the world will attempt to set a new worldwide flying record: the most women pilots introducing a woman to flying in one single day, March 8, and in one single week, March 6 to March 12. Please visit this site to register and be part of the event.
My Shoutouts:
1) Monika Petrillo - Thank You for taking the time for talking to me - http://flyaboutmovie.com/
2) Will and Dave for introducing me to Monika's DVD on Episode # 54 Monika Petrillo & Flyabout of The Pilot's Flight PodLog
3) Dave Crawford for helping me test my Skype Connection
4) Plane Crazy Down Under - An aviation based podcast with a focus on the Asia/Pacific area. They are a couple of crazy Aussies (with even crazier accents) talking about aviation - http://www.planecrazydownunder.com/.
Thanks for listening.
Blues skies everyone!
You can reach me at TheNewPilotPodBlog@gmail.com
Please send comments and suggestions.
You can follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/NewPilotPodBlog
And LIPilot on myTransponder.com
The intro and closing song is John Mellencamp's My Aeroplane.
Direct access to the mp3 is here.