Hello Everybody, in this episode I interview Bart Jones Chief Pilot of Piper Aircraft about the PiperSport. The PiperSport is Piper's new Light Sport Aircraft which has captured the attention of the aviation community. As most of you know, this is the plane that I personally fly. Bart shares his insights about this exiting new plane. So sit back and listen and enjoy the interview.

I will be at Airventure 2010, arriving Thursday morning and staying until Sunday afternoon. I will be camping at Camp Scholler with my two sons, Robert who is 20 and Joey who is 15.
One thing I am excited about is that I will be participitating in Podapalooza along with 20 other podcasters. It will be Friday night beginning at 7:00 PM at the Forum Pavillion 07 mainstage. So stop by and listen live to the voices in you head.
- Bart Jones for taking his time out of his busy schedule to talk to me.
- Piper Aircraft for allowing Bart to do the interview and for being very helpful and supportive in getting this podcast published.
- www.OSHplanner.com, a great website where you can plan your time at Oshkosh. You can view my schedule at http://www.oshplanner.com/schedules/share/RobertCigliano/.
- The Pilot's Journey Podcast - www.pilotsjourneypodcast.com
- Plane Crazy Down Under Podcast - www.planecrazydownunder.com
- The Pilot's Flight PodLog - www.pilotsflightpodlog.com
Thanks for listening.
Blues skies everyone!
You can reach me at TheNewPilotPodBlog@gmail.com
Please send comments and suggestions.
You can follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/NewPilotPodBlog
And LIPilot on myTransponder.com
Please join the myTransponder group Friends of The New Pilot PodBlog.
The intro and closing song is John Mellencamp's My Aeroplane.
Direct access to the mp3 is here.
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