I know a number of private pilots,including myself who would love to turn their hobby into a career. Carl is an airline captain and very experienced in counseling pilots on careers. So I figured who better to have on the podcast then Carl to discuss turning the passion of flying into a career.
Carl gives some great advice and suggestions on the different types of jobs that you can do in the aviation industry. It is not just flying for a regional or major airlines. Their are endless opportunities; maybe you want to teach ground school, be a banner tower or manage an FBO. Maybe you are looking for a mid-life career change or just looking for a part-time job while still maintaining your current one. Listen in and Carl will give you the information you need to map your career path.
I hope you enjoy the podcast and it gives you some ideas on what you can do to turn your passion into a career. Even if it is a part-time job so you can have a little extra money to pay for your $100 hamburger.
Some information about Carl Valeri. He is a co-host on the Stuck Mic Avcast, blogger on his website ExpertAviator.com, host of the AViation Careers podcast and a CFI. He does this all on his spare time when not flying in the left seat of an Embraer as a Captain of an airline. He has also volunteered at Sun-N-Fun where he was a field reporter.
You can reach Carl at the following:
Aviation Careers Podcast
And for questions, comments, or suggestions please leave a voicemail at:
Stuck Mic Avcast
Expert Aviator
Blue skies and tailwinds always.
You can reach me at TheNewPilotPodBlog@gmail.com
Please send comments and suggestions.
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The intro and closing song is called On The Run 1 and it is bywww.pacdv.com/sounds/
Direct access to the mp3 is here